AE300 Review: “EXCELLENT” From Persuit Perfect System

Terry Ellis at Pursuit Perfect System is performing a Mega group test of nine bookshelf speakers up to £650 and has posted his review of the AE300. Grab yourself that coffee and head over to his channel to see why he described them as… “Warm and organic” “Engaging and Musical” and… “Pretty Damn Faultless”. You […]
A British Audiophile Recommends The AE300

Tarun “A British Audiophile” recently reviewed the AE300s and awarded them a Recommended badge. Head on over to his Youtube channel to watch the full review and discover why he compared them to the legendary BBC LS35a Monitors and described them as… “Well constructed cabinet with excellent finish at this price” “Attractive design will appeal […]
AE300 Review: Group Test Winner… And More!

A few days ago we featured a video review from Pursuit Perfect Systems. Reviewer Terry Ellis has spent the summer performing a megatest on nine pairs of sub £650 loudspeakers and after the glowing review he gave the AE300 (you can seen that here) the final results and conclusions are now in. Well, it’s time […]
AE300 Review: Hi-Fi World – 5 Globes

It’s been a while since our last review, but good things come to those that wait. And this time it’s the turn of Jon Myles at Hi-Fi World to deliver the great news of another 5 Star (well, “globes”, as they do!) review for the AE300, that’s another glowing review to add to the collection! […]
AE300 Review: Hi-Fi Choice Recommended

Hi-Fi Choice magazine are the first to get their hands on the new AE300 in this exclusive review… The quotes below, along with the Recommended badge, will give you a good idea of how they faired. “The compact Acoustic Energy does well here too, conjuring up a large soundstage that boldly goes – in my listening […]