AE300 Review: Hi-Fi Choice Recommended

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Hi-Fi Choice magazine are the first to get their hands on the new AE300 in this exclusive review…

The quotes below, along with the Recommended badge, will give you a good idea of how they faired.

“The compact Acoustic Energy does well here too, conjuring up a large soundstage that boldly goes – in my listening room – where few other small loudspeakers can.”

“What the AE300 does, it does very well and is always a pleasure to listen to – in its own special way it makes music magic, and you can’t say fairer than that.”

“The relaxed yet assured way with which the AE300 pushes the sound our into the room really impresses.”

The verdict? “Surprisingly capable small speaker with style to spare.”

Don’t forget to visit your local newsagent to pick up a copy of the magazine to read the full review.