The AE309 Gains More Acclaim In Hungary
The AE309 has gained yet more acclaim in the Hungarian press. Here’s a small quote for you, head on over to their website to read the full review. “The Acoustic Energy AE309 shares the character of its smaller, stand mount sibling, but provides more balanced sound, with more pronounced lower range. The latter is separated with ease, even […]
AE309 Review: 5 Stars From HiFi.Nl
Michael Hamers from gave the AE309s a workout and his conclusion can be found below… “In my opinion, the review period was too short. Not because I could not listen to everything I wanted on the AE309s, but because they are very nice speakers that play far beyond their price point and therefore taste much […]
AE309 Review: Hi-Fi Choice – 5 Stars & Recommended
Another day, another big announcement! Today it’s the turn of Hi-Fi Choice magazine to unveil their review on the AE309 floorstanders and, you guessed it, another 5 STAR review and a RECOMMENDED Badge! Here’s a few ‘choice’ quotes to whet your appetites… “The best thing is how this speaker pieces everything together – as if […]
AE309 Review: 5 Stars From What Hi-Fi?
What Hi-Fi? magazine have posted the review of the AE309 to their website, and yet again it’s another 5 Star review! It should also appear in print in the next issue, bit for now you can read it here.In addition, What Hi-Fi? have also just updated their “Best Speakers 2019” list where the AE309 makes […]
<a href="">AE309 Exclusive Review: Hi-Fi World – 5 Globes</a>
The October issue of HiFi World features the first exclusive review of the AE309. Reviewed by Noel Keywood they earned a 5 Globe Review along with a verdict of… “In all, the ‘309s are exciting loudspeakers that give a full-on musical experience, with no attempt to smother the truth. Well worth hearing, especially if you love fast […]
AE309 Review: Salon AV (Russia)
Russian magazine Salon AV have got their hands a pair of the new AE309 floorstanders and compare them to the AE109’s… You can read the full review over on their website (link here, Google Translate may come in handy for those who can’t read Russian!) but we’ve pulled out a few quotes for you… “The photo […]