AE320 receives a Recommended from Hi-Fi Choice in first review

Acoustic Energy AE320 (Walnut, No Grille)

“Monday, Monday, so good to me. Monday mornin’, it was all I hoped it would be”. The Mamas & The Papas aren’t wrong, what a great way to start the week with our first review of the brand new AE320 coming courtesy of Nick Tate at Hi-Fi Choice magazine.

What did he say that merited it’s 5 Stars and Recommended badge? Well, read on for a few choice quotes or visit your local newsagents today to pick up a copy of the latest issue, you won’t miss it, we’re on the front cover!

“…the Acoustic Energy pulls me into the music with an urgency and commitment that I don’t expect from designs at this price.”

“… it’s rendition of Randy Crawford’s You Might Need Somebody is very rousing. The AE320 captures her voice smoothly, including much of its coiled-spring tension and propensity to suddenly start belting out part of the lyrics.”

“Acoustic Energy’s new AE320 does an awful lot at the price. It gives an incredibly big and strong sound for the money, yet isn’t crude and doesn’t misbehave in any other respect. It’s a very good all-rounder, with nothing whatsoever about it that lets the side down at all – compared with rivals. Best of all, it makes music fun; pair it with a decent integrated amp and a good DAC and you’ve got a very grown-up sound for not too much money.”